Why You Need An Amplifier For Your Ceiling Speakers?
An amplifier is required when using a passive speaker. It not only drives the speaker but also ensures high-quality sound. Once you decided to install passive speakers in your house, make sure to u...

Which One Right For You? Preamp Or Amp
The phrases amp and preamp will be familiar to anyone setting up a studio, whether professionally or just for fun at home. Although the two devices have similar-sounding names, they serve different...

Sound Digital Amp Guide: How To Choose The Right Wireless Amp?
How to choose the right wireless sound digital amplifier to meet the needs? In this article, we will focus on our wireless sound digital amplifier, to lead you to select the best Arylic wireless so...

Switching Power Supply Usage Tutorial
In this tutorial we will show you how to connect the switching power supply to Up2Stream amplifier board. Here we are going to use SPS-350 and Up2Stream AMP 2.0 v3. Other combinations are possible...

Whole House Audio on a Budget - Should Sonos be Scared? From 123Toid
The most cost effective solution to build your whole home wireless audio streaming system.

Arylic A50 Wireless Amplifier Firmware Updated to the Latest Version
We have fixed all the problems that may cause unhappy use experience with Arylic A50 Amp.